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First Term - Online Saefty

During the first term, all classes will be learning about Online Safety. Riverside ensures that children of all ages understand the importance of being safe on the internet. In a world where technology is ever-changing, we think it is paramount for our children to be taught how to search the internet correctly, how to interact with other users respectfully and how to identify inappropriate content. These are skills that are taught throughout the school this first term. Classes continue to talk about online safety throughout the year. 


Computing at Riverside aims to equip children with the tools needed in an increasingly technological world. Children are able to develop their understanding of software, programming and online safety to be responsible and knowledgeable users of technology in its many formats. They will leave Riverside with a solid foundation of skills, ready for further learning at KS3. 



Computing is often taught discretely due to the types of skills being learned; however, we do try to weave it into other areas of the curriculum where possible. We have a strong focus on the use of computer programming, and this progresses from basic algorithms using turtle logo up to complex algorithms to create games and animated stories using ‘Scratch’ and ‘Kodu’. We continue to have a strong emphasis on ICT skills and help the children to secure their understanding of software that they will use as they develop and grow. This ranges from word processing tools to creating spreadsheets. A real strength in our implementation of this subject is our online safety. We teach this discretely in class and hold termly assemblies that help our children to become confident and safe when accessing digital tools.  



The children at Riverside are safe and respectful users of digital technologies. We save examples of work to our school network to show progress in learning and we have examples of good understanding on display in our ‘Research zone’. Through continued work on online safety, children demonstrate a high level of understanding and can articulate a range of ways to keep themselves safe.  We use “The Learning Challenge Curriculum” resources by Focus Education to ensure coverage and progression between year groups and across Key Stages. This is supported by resources and planning from Twinkl.