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At Riverside Primary School, physical, human and environmental geography are taught through topic areas. The children are encouraged to immerse themselves in a variety of learning opportunities to secure their knowledge of places, processes and geographical skills. School visits and focused activities ensure that the children understand through experience and practical application.


At Riverside, it is our intention that Geography is taught through a cross-curricular topic based approach. This enables teachers to give a meaningful context for the learning. However, teachers make it explicit to children that they are learning geography skills and that they are being ‘Geographers’. 

Geography is important in our school as it provides a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live and how it has evolved.  We explore the relationship between Earth and its people.  It stimulates curiosity and imagination. Wherever possible, we aim to build upon the child’s ‘Individual Geography’ by developing geographical skills, understanding and knowledge through studying places and themes.



Our progressive units of work are designed to be adapted to meet the needs of our children and their own experiences. Fieldwork sessions are incorporated into the units of work to actively engage the children in their learning.


In Key Stage 1, our pupils develop knowledge about their own locality in Rainham, the United Kingdom and the World. They can understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness.


In Key Stage 2, pupils extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom, Europe and other continents throughout the world. This includes the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features. Our pupils develop their use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enrich their locational and place knowledge.




At Riverside, the children’s learning and understanding is assessed according to the learning challenge age related expectations which directly links with the 2014 National Curriculum statements for Geography. This is both ongoing, to inform future planning and inform staff, leaders and parents. This ensures the pitch of lessons is well matched to individual children’s needs and that, by the end of each key stage, required content within the National Curriculum is adequately covered to prepare pupils for the next phase of their education. We also use our knowledge, skills and understanding framework throughout all age groups. Our Subject Leader regularly conducts book monitoring sessions, lesson observations, and pupil voice interviews with the children to discuss their learning and establish the impact.

Geography Curriculum Overview

There are many ways you can support your child's learning in geography. 

Some useful website links: 



Look at this website for Key stage 1 topics and video clips:


Key stage 2: